
Decades of Science Fiction

USA, NTC Publishing 1997
Decades of Science Fiction | USA, NTC Publishing 1997 | Cover: Robert, Francois
Click to enlarge (500x331 px)
Editor: Minyard, Applewhite
Title: Decades of Science Fiction
Type: Anthology
Country: USA
Publisher: Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing
Date: 04/1997
ISBN: 0-8442-5994-2
Price: $ 26.95
Pages: 557
Binding: trading paperback
Cover Art: Robert, Francois
Note: Textbook with 27 stories, presented in a historical context by decade, complete with historical and SF-oriented timelines.
This edition contains the following 1 work by Clifford D. Simak
Desertion (1944)
- Story
- p. 167-178*
- English